What can you do on 2 meters. The simple hand held is very versatile with just the stock antenna. This opens the door to a few more. First simplex (radio to radio) and repeaters to increase coverage, make new contacts, participate in group meetings and conversations called a Net. You can also track and listen to satellites. Fast action taking place here.

Next is using your hand held for a mobile unit. Simple magnet mount antenna ($30) stuck to the roof of a car, drape the coax through the window with a adapter ($6) to the radio antenna connection on the radio and now your ready for the road. (Warning do not use the stock antenna inside the car)

Next is to buy or build your own J-Pole antenna for your indoor shack. If you can solder copper plumbing pipe, YouTube and others have plans and building instructions ($25 for copper pipe and small parts. Plus coax cable for a total of approximately $45) Reuse the same adapter for the mobile connection, no cost. Make it on your own for the fun experience and learning how antennas work. Using a steel cookie sheet and your 2 meter mag mount off your car works also. (No additional cost)

Now you have 3 new station ideas and lots of directions to go for just a few dollars or less if you buy used or repurpose scrap materials.

73’s Let the fun roll!


3 thoughts on “First station X 3

  1. Nice info on here. 👏👏👏 Mobile single band Radios with 5-65W can get rather cheap on specials sometimes, and then you have a rock solid radio with portability, and can still use that mag mount. 📶

  2. Good encouraging ideas. Especially the labeling of your leads. Quality pics I mught add,


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