Not wanting to have a market place to maintain, you can now use the comment section to post radio equipment for sale or wanted.

Looking for an all band hf radio for a starter shack. Don’t laugh $200 range, now you can laugh. So look around and see what you have.


2 thoughts on “For sale

  1. I have an old Yaesu FT-2500H that has a little issue. It’ll transmit fine, but receive audio is intermittent. I think the radio is actually receiving just fine, as when you open the squelch, you can see the SU meter indicating noise, but there is no audio. Want a project to play with? If so, it’s yours! Free gratis!

  2. I was contacted by a lady who has a couple of HF radios for sale. One appears to be a Kenwood 830, and the other one is a Yaesu Ft 101 EE. She also has a handheld but she didn’t know anything about it. Her name is Rona, and her phone number is 308-660-2063.

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