Beautiful Fall weather for the Meet and Greet. Good attendance and we shared some ideas to make entering Amateur radio experience easier for new license holders. The idea of a Meet and Greet in Ogalalla was discussed and may happen so stay tuned for time and date. Quite a diverse conversation beyond radio as well, we even covered gardening and cooking. No radio equipment sales this time and I went home with money still in my pocket. Next one I put together will be in the spring. Suggestions are always welcome.

From left to right, Mark Skinner KA0VNV, Jane Skinner KB0IWC, Gary Planansky N0XQH, Mike MC Cormick N0ZFC, Jared Gaedke N0SPC, Bill Whitlow N0HTC and Casey Moore KF0ASO.

Adding Rick Troutner KF0FND second from the left. Missing from the picture are Randy Allen N0IQ, Dennis Carr WA0AVQ and Kevin Curtis K0KDC. Thanks to Jane Skinner for helping with the photos.

Now available. If you would like a copy to post on bulletin boards around your community just email or text me for a copy.

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