Meet and Greet Results

Chilly weather didn’t stop us and resulted in a great HF remote operation. The IC7300 (100Watts) and the IC705 (10watts) both contacted Europe with ease using the screwdriver antenna mounted on a tripod. Jared NØSPC made contact with a 2 meter mobile from out of the area and had a nice QSO. Mark KAØVNV enjoyed SWL and tried a few contacts. Dennis Carr WAØAVQ stopped by early and dodged a camera shot. A few who could not attend checked in to see how it was going. Gary NØXQH called in, Randy NØIQ checked in as well. We had a great time and hopefully next spring will bring warmer weather.



One thought on “Meet and Greet Results

  1. Thanks for the post!

    I was out of town and missed what looked to be a successful meet and greet.
    Pictures show a very capable bunch of HAMs at work, good job guys.
    Kuddos to those who put in the time to make it happen.

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