The day has come and gone, and what a time it was. Battling the high winds and cool temperatures, we still had a good crowd of familiar faces and new ones. Used equipment sales went well. I know I had to call in for more money. After lunch, we rag chewed till about 3:00 and then called it quits.

I will be planing another Meet and Greet this fall as the event is easy, relaxed, and fun.

Even my family dropped by to see what it was all about. I see a few future hams coming along.

5 thoughts on “Spring Meet and Greet!

  1. Thanks to all who made it! Was nice to put a face to a coll sign. Very pleasant and knowledgeable group willing to help the new guy. Looking forward to the next time. Glad K0FND s family showed up it was a pleasure to meet them as well.

    73 KF0ASO

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