How to get your antenna up in the air

There are several different ways to get your antenna in the air. From Towers to trees and in between.

Pictures tell the story, starting with a tower the most expensive and requires a lot of work with the help of others.

Next is less expensive and requires less help. Chain link pipe post easily buried and the rest is fence rail pipe. Gap between the pipe and mast can be centered with wood shims or nuts and bolts. I suggest a sleeve to steady and reinforce pipe slip joint connections on the mast pipes. PCV pipe outriggers with pulleys and Paracord can be easily made, expanding capacity for
more antennas

Roof tops are another way to go TV tripod mast support are inexpensive but I am not a fan of making holes in the roof. If you have a chimney the strap style mounts works with out putting holes in the house.

Tree limbs provide easy temporary or permanent antenna mast. Many simple to overkill devices can be made to launch your antenna or pulley system over the branch of the tree. Always beware of the dangers of launching heavy and some times sharp objects. Power lines are always a threat so beware, plan well before you start.

Towers can be portable for outdoor radio fun

Many things can be an antenna mast. In apartments some have used rain gutters, potted fake trees or plants on their balcony to hide antennas from the HOA. What ever your challenge may be there is a solution.

Look around and your imagination will guide you

73’s Rick KFØFND

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